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What is Mostaza

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Mostaza Music - Musician's Home


We are all aware that the last few years have not been the best for the music business. There is no doubt about the harmful effects of piracy, not only because of the direct damage to intellectual property but also because of the tendency among people to think that music and movies are "for free".  Besides that, the music business model is in constant change due to the technological development. Think of the quick penetration of broadband in our homes which altogether with the reluctance of the industry itself to adapt to all this changes, have leaded to these last years of music "decadency".

However, data from recent market reports point to a continued improvement, not only in the area of digital music, but also for physical music, where people is beginning to appreciate the added value of the album itself, the lyrics, artworks, pictures, etc.

We like to think that the world we live in is better with music in it, we are truly convinced of it. In fact, we ourselves are musicians, so we will be always on the side of the artist. And we are also music consumers, so we will always try to give ourselves what we demand: a musical product of interest and with the highest quality.

We will bet for streaming, music downloads, and for all the new platforms and ways to consume, enjoy and share music, but we will not forget about CDs, DVDs and vynils. And we will always try to give something more to the people by telling the stories that lie behind each and every music work. 

That's what people want nowadays, people want to feel close to the artists, share their everyday situations,...That is in fact one of the reasons why social networks have reached that level of popularity worldwide.

“Each and everyone of us have the capability of making the world better. It is our duty to seek the way and place to do it.”



You just have to bring your music


Record Label




Artists Management


Royalties Management


Want to know a little more?

Digital distribution

Your music will be available in the main streaming and download platforms: Spotify, Deezer, Amazon, Tidal, Movistar, Google Music, etc.

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Physical distribution

In all formats, CD, DVD, vinyl. From the shop in our web and also in the main sales centers: FNAC, El Corte Inglés, Media Markt, etc.

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Besides direct content sale, all your merchandising material will be available for sale in our online shop: from t-shirts to mugs or cups. 

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Intellectual property

We handle the management of all the rights related to phonogram producers (through AGEDI) and copyright (through SGAE).

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Related rights

We also handle the rights management for artists and performers, related to public communication of the recordings and/or interpretations of artists and musicians in general.

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We also take care of the management tasks related to the booking and planning of tours, gigs, performances, sponsorship, endorsement, etc. 

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Musical publishing

We work hard so that the music works (music and lyrics) of our artists can be selected for films, advertising, radio or television, or acquired by other artists interested in their exploitation.

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Total transparency: artists can always check their revenue and royalties derived from their professional activity, as well as the exploitation of copyright and related rights.

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Our values and principles


We do this for the artists, so that they can do what they do best, music.


We do this for the people who enjoy listening to music and who value the talent, work and effort which is behind each music work.


We do this for us, the Mostaza Music team, because we love Music. We have a goal, and we want to enjoy every little step in the way to reach it.

...of the artists, almost as good as their own mothers.
...the best. We look for Excellence.
...on human quality and artistic talent. hard work and sacrifice, but we don't forget about having fun while doing it.
  •   Add two parts of Implication.

  •   Several tablespoons of Effort.

  •   A handful of Illusion.

  •   Sprinkle everything with Desire.


What our artists say

Para una formación como la nuestra, enfocada a un sector musical menos comercial pero con un público muy exigente, es muy importante contar con la ayuda de un sello como Mostaza Music, que además se encargan por nosotros de todas las labores de producción y promoción. Un lujo trabajar con ellos.

Raúl Gama

Cuando me propusieron unirme a este proyecto con SHY y con el equipo de Mostaza Music no lo dudé un instante. Tuvimos la oportunidad de trabajar con un equipazo de profesionales de primer nivel, que nos plantearon una apuesta potente y divertida. Ya venía haciendo falta un sello como Mostaza en el panorama musical.

Naím Thomas

Cuentan que Nathan Handwerker, el tipo que inventó el perrito caliente, no dio por terminada su sencilla receta hasta que al fin le añadió Mostaza. Me gusta pensar que  a nosotros nos ha ocurrido lo mismo: teníamos un buen bocata pero nos faltaba el ingrediente secreto, nos faltaba Mostaza. Así pues celebramos este encuentro y esperamos que, gracias a él, El Zurdo en Crudo y Mostaza Music empiecen a formar parte de muchos menús musicales.

Chani Martín
ElZurdo en Crudo

Estamos trabajando con Mostaza Music en un formato Big Band con uno o más "crooner". Es un proyecto muy divertido y canalla. La idea nos pareció genial desde el principio y esperamos llevarlo a cabo con la ayuda de nuestros amigos de Mostaza Music.

Juan Moreno
Leganés Big Band


There are many ways to make this a better world. We believe that the world is better with music, and we believe that music is better if you the artist are happy, unless you're a songwriter, right? :)

Mostaza Music

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