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  • We Deliver
    A new way to do things in the Music business
    Made by artists, for artists
Without Music, Life would be a Mistake (Nietzsche).

Welcome to Mostaza Music: home sweet home for today's musicians.

Every beginning has a story behind it. Ours is definitely our love for music. This phrase of Nietzsche that inspires us sums up the essence of our project. Our work here is to provide the resources and energy necessary for artists to create and communicate. A project by and for artists.

Mostaza Records

Mostaza Publishing

Mostaza Management

Mostaza Digital

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Things that make us different

We want to take care of the artists


Modern times impose new ways to sell and consume music, streaming (Spotify, Deezer, iTunes, Apple Music, etc.) have come to stay, and we will not deny this technological revolution, but as we are true music lovers we are reluctant to loose certain values, such as those shelves full of CDs and vinyls, savouring the "taste" of music, remembering the covers of our favorite albums or remembering the minte and second of that awesome guitar solo..


Better conditions

We always try to improve market values in our dealings with artists and musicians.


Maximum transparency, artists can see all of their income on its own control panel.

Digital distribution

In addition to the physical medium we work with the main platforms for streaming and music downloads.

Added value

Photos, videos and artworks made with love are part of each album we launch.

Mostaza Social

Our social network. This is the place where artists and companies arrive to interact, create, share and grow.

International scope

Sky is the limit, the idea is to grow internationally, and with us, our artists.


Facts are there, music is more alive than ever!

WW 2014 sales 2014 (M$)
% digital sales
% physical sales
million subscriptors



What our artists say

Para una formación como la nuestra, enfocada a un sector musical menos comercial pero con un público muy exigente, es muy importante contar con la ayuda de un sello como Mostaza Music, que además se encargan por nosotros de todas las labores de producción y promoción. Un lujo trabajar con ellos.

Raúl Gama


Cuando me propusieron unirme a este proyecto con SHY y con el equipo de Mostaza Music no lo dudé un instante. Tuvimos la oportunidad de trabajar con un equipazo de profesionales de primer nivel, que nos plantearon una apuesta potente y divertida. Ya venía haciendo falta un sello como Mostaza en el panorama musical.

Naím Thomas


Cuentan que Nathan Handwerker, el tipo que inventó el perrito caliente, no dio por terminada su sencilla receta hasta que al fin le añadió Mostaza. Me gusta pensar que  a nosotros nos ha ocurrido lo mismo: teníamos un buen bocata pero nos faltaba el ingrediente secreto, nos faltaba Mostaza. Así pues celebramos este encuentro y esperamos que, gracias a él, El Zurdo en Crudo y Mostaza Music empiecen a formar parte de muchos menús musicales.

Chani Martín

ElZurdo en Crudo

Estamos trabajando con Mostaza Music en un formato Big Band con uno o más "crooner". Es un proyecto muy divertido y canalla. La idea nos pareció genial desde el principio y esperamos llevarlo a cabo con la ayuda de nuestros amigos de Mostaza Music.

Juan Moreno

Leganés Big Band

Without Music, Life would be a Mistake. (Nietzsche)


Digital Distribution

Presence in the main platforms


We love to hear from you!

+34 679 482 905

+34 651 899 366




There are many ways to make this a better world. We believe that the world is better with music, and we believe that music is better if you the artist are happy, unless you're a songwriter, right? :)

Mostaza Music

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